Supporting breastfeeding for a healthier planet


The breastfeeding message we often hear is one focused on the high nutritional value and bonding. The positive environmental impact however is much less discussed, and I simply love the theme this year. 🌱

BF is a natural renewable energy, with no carbon footprint, creating the best sustainable food source for an infant that can be taken anywhere especially in times of emergency. 🙌

Breastfeeding is absolutely something we should be encouraging for many reasons, and I am all behind increasing breastfeeding rates and awareness. 👌

However, as a health professional working with mums I also think it’s important to recognize that for many breastfeeding is hard, really hard and the heart wrench that comes with not being able to breastfeed can be one of the hardest things to accept in a motherhood journey.

This photo is me at 8 weeks postnatal with my second baby. My first BF journey hadn’t been great and I was determined second time round to get it ‘right’. My mindset was positive, I had expressed colostrum, was well informed on attachment technique, had lactation consultant support, nipple shields, dietary changes, pumping to rest my nipples, then restart, you name it I tried it. But the ongoing pain and distress it was creating were just not worth it.

I shifted to full-time pumping and used one bottle of formula every two days. I put pressure on myself to go for as long as I could. At 5 months I was buggered, I retired the pump and was grateful to be able to access formula full time.

When it comes to breastfeeding the pressure from society is significant and weeks like this week can really trigger some mums.

It is without a doubt that we should be encouraging mums to breastfeed, but if we are truly going to support new mums then we need to better prepare them that sometimes breastfeeding doesn’t work out and that is ok too.

Ultimately breast is best, but what is even better is a nourished baby with a happy mother.✨🙌

So happy breastfeeding week to all the incredible breastfeeders and attempted breastfeeders on doing your best for your bub and the planet. ✨